School of Business Technology
The Accounting Information System offers a four-year program that complies with the latest competency framework of professional accountants issued by the International Federation of Accountants through their International Education Standards. This qualifies the graduates of this program to take assessments leading to certification in Accounting Information System given by global professional Accounting Information System organizations.
The primary goal of accounting education is to produce competent and ethical professional accountants capable of making a positive contribution over their lifetime to the profession and society in which they work. In the face of increasing challenges that they will meet later as professional accountants, it is essential that students develop and maintain an attitude of learning to learn, to maintain their competence, knowledge, skills and qualification required of the profession.
The BSAIS program should provide a foundation of professional knowledge, skills and values, ethics and attitudes that enable students to continue to learn and adapt to change throughout their professional lives. These capabilities will enable accounting information system professionals to identify problems, know where to find this knowledge and know how to apply it in an ethical manner to achieve appropriate solutions. The balance of these elements may vary but what is required is to develop the knowledge base, strong skills and ethical values in order to produce competent accounting information system professionals with appropriate values, ethics and attitudes.
An accounting information system professional may cover a number of different technical or strategic positions. Technical positions span from more basic positions (main responsibilities would include inputting data in order to produce relevant Accounting Information System information) to more advanced positions (main responsibilities would include determining what data to input, how to elaborate upon it and deciding what information is relevant for whom and for what purpose).
Accounting information system professionals must reflect on the ethical implications of their job, which implies also addressing the questions of to whom they respond with their actions and decisions. Accounting information system professionals respond to the owners along with many other organizational stakeholders. The social environment of an Accounting Information System professional is much wider than just its owners, employees and customers. Creditors, competitors, other organizations, neighbors, suppliers and other stakeholders may be equally affected by the decisions taken in an organization.

Goals and Objectives
- To continuously offer academic programs in business that are anchored on quality standards that will allow the students to acquire meaningful employment & entrepreneurial opportunities and robust professional careers
- To ensure that mechanisms for enhanced curriculum and instruction, faculty development, research, linkages and community development are fully operational.
The school of Accounting Technology and the school of Accounting Information System will become a model center for business disciplines, where knowledge, skills and attributes are developed to allow its students to participate and compete in the global economy.
To provide an environment of quality education in the business disciplines that stimulates learning and innovation among young men and women of varying social, cultural and economic backgrounds, to enter, prosper in and meet the needs of the employment community.
Course Offering Sublinks
Course Offerings
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System
Accounting Information System produces experts in both accounting and technological matters than can be qualified for a variety of career opportunities. It is functionally most closely related to the fields of business administration and management, advertising, agri-business, banking and finance, business entrepreneurship, commercial and mercantile law, customs administration, economics, educational administration/management, legal management, marketing management, office administration/management, public administration/management, real estate management, tourism, and travel management.